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Selectboard Minutes August 17, 2009
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
August 17, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Alan Sentkowski, Raymond Dennehy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux. Joe O’Brien was absent.

FY10 Warrant #04
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer & Accountant.

August 3, 2009 Regular Meeting – Raymond moved to accept the minutes. Alan seconded. All in favor (2-0).

Annual Audit Review – Tony Roselli of Roselli, Clark & Associates
Tony reviewed the June 30, 2008 management letter.
  • The town has maintained a level of reserves with just under 10% of the overall budget. Ratings agencies look for between 5-10%.
  • Ambulance Receivables  - are still not being recorded in the general ledger. Fire Chief Ray LaPorte should provide this information to the Accountant to record and adjust monthly.  John will discuss with Ray LaPorte.
  • Wired Disbursements – A $1M payment was wired to the WRSD in May 2008 and was not placed on a warrant until July 2008. Reconciliation should be done by the end of the following month.  Reconciliation is currently not up to date. The Board will address this issue as a goal and John will work with the Treasurer and Accountant to resolve.
  • Infrastructure- The town is required to record governmental fixed assets relative to infrastructure as of FY08. The Board may ask CMRPC to provide a student to complete.
  • GASB 45 – An actuarial valuation of retirement benefits is required by FY10. Ratings agents will be looking for this information. The Worcester Retirement System should have the information.
  • Fraud Precautions – The Board should be advised that fraud is on the rise as the economy gets weaker and should be vigilant, especially in cash handling areas.  
FY08 Ice Storm Update
90 % of the clean up is done and everything will be complete by the end of summer.

HPT Update
Alan reported that the HPT Task Force decided to continue to pursue options. They will meet with the BOH to discuss further.

Cemetery Deed-Rehrauer
John asked the Board to sign the deed from the Town Clerk for Harold W. Rehaurer. Due to confusion during the last attempt to sign, the Town Clerk respectfully request the Board not alter future documents. The Board conveys their apologies to the Clerk and signed the original deed.

Cemetery Commission Appointments
Alan moved to appoint Susan Ollila, soon to be resident of the Town of Princeton, as a member of the Cemetery Commission with a term to expire on June 30, 2012.
Alan moved to appoint David Milton, 196 Mirick Road as a member of the Cemetery Commission with a term to expire on June 30, 2012. Alan signed in Joe’s absence.

Review Board and Committee Vacancies
The Board reviewed the updated spreadsheet. Joe Lotuff and Stan Moss were appointed as members of the Advisory Board were appointed on August 3rd, which leaves one remaining vacancy.  

CMRPC-Appointment of Alternate representative
Phil Mighdoll is not interested in serving as the town’s alternate representative to the CMRPC for FY 2010.  Brenda will ask the Planning Board for a recommendation.

Award Winter Sand Bid
Alan moved to award the winter sand bid to LLEC, Inc. of Sterling, MA as the low bidder at $10.74 per ton. Raymond seconded. All in favor (2-0).

Police Chief Transition- Office Chase Promotion
Raymond moved to promote Officer John Chase from part-time to full-time pending approval of a waiver granted by the state to allow him to work prior to attending police academy. Alan seconded. All in favor (2-0).
Raymond moved to make an agreement with Office Chase to serve as a Police Officer in Princeton for a minimum of three years in exchange for the town paying for the academy.  Alan seconded. All in favor (2-0).

Public Comment
There were no comments from the public.

The meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary